Form 513 Deductions Column B - Total applicable to Oklahoma (1041)

Onvio Tax calculates the Oklahoma source column for lines 12 through 17 as a percentage of federal income as follows, using amounts from the expense allocation worksheets.

  • If line 3 is blank, Onvio Tax multiplies the Fed column amount by the ratio of Total Income for OK column to total income for Fed column less US obligations, if the two are not equal.
  • If line 3 not blank, Onvio Tax multiplies the Fed column amount by the fraction of Total Income for OK column to sum of total income for Fed column less US obligations plus municipal interest

You can force each of the expenses on the OK Income screen.

Line 17 does not include the federal NOL amount in the ratio calculation (subtract the NOL prior to multiplying fed total times the ratio, then add the OK additional depletion and depreciation). If you enter a federal net operating loss, you must also enter any part of the net operating loss attributable to Oklahoma on the Net operating loss deduction field on the OK Gen screen.

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